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Item Details

Swim!:How a Shark, a Suckerfish, and a Parasite Teach You Leadership, Mentoring, and Next Level Success

Walter Bond

Product details

 ISBN: 9781119573562
 Format: Hardback
 Category: Self help

AU $32.26 

Product description

Written as an engaging parable, Swim! How a Shark, a Suckerfish, and a Parasite Teach You Leadership, Mentoring, and Next Level Success brings to life real-world challenges (and their solutions) and presents them in simple, yet powerful terms. The book explores the vital importance of networking, explores the steps that lead to successful networking, and explains why we need it.Swim! dives deep into the concepts of mentorship and the power of human connection. While too many business leaders spend their time obsessing about facts, figures, and the bottom line, it is more important for them to learn to manage relationships. Once attention shifts to relationships, businesses and careers can reach the next level of success. Written by a leading motivational speaker, this book offers ideas that can be applied to both personal and business life.