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Item Details

Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care 3rd Ed 2022

Kathleen Motacki; Kathleen Burke

Product details

 ISBN: 9780323625463
 Edition: 3
 Format: Paperback

AU $109.61 

Product description

What makes a good nurse leader or patient care manager? Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care, 3rd Edition provides a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to the skills and competencies you need to lead effectively. Coverage includes a wide range of management concepts, such as prioritization, delegation, and care management in a hospital setting. To prepare you for today's healthcare challenges, the book helps you master the staff nurse's role in human resource management, relationship management, diversity, and shared decision making. From noted educators Kathleen Motacki and Kathleen Burke, this text prepares you for success on the Next Generation NCLEX exam and helps you meet the job requirements of magnet-status hospitals.